
Prevention and treatment of infant cough

Prevention and treatment of infant cough
1 infant cough prevention

@ User: Dr. Hello, I am a full-time mom to bring their own baby, and I would like to ask a doctor, in everyday life, I should be prevented through which aspects baby cough it? Thank you, doctors!

A: Cough is a symptom, not avoid and prevention, we need to prevent the disease. For example, the prevention of respiratory tract infections, we need proper ventilation, pay attention to daily health, enhance physical exercise to enhance physical fitness improve immunity.

2 baby cough medication therapy

@ User: baby cough, give him water to drink cough do? You have no quick way cough?

A: not recommended antitussive, should encourage your baby cough, sputum discharged from the force, you can use apophlegmatisant if cough less, but a lot of phlegm, the use of antitussives would be detrimental to the recovery of the disease, if it is to stimulate dry cough, night cough severe, affecting sleep, you need to face doctor, under the guidance of a doctor to use antitussives.

@ User: Dr. Hello, My baby is 1 year old this year, and recently cough worse, and the baby is learning to talk, to see her cough a little pain to the throat, can I give her to eat anti-inflammatory drugs do? What circumstances can eat anti-inflammatory drugs?

A: according to your description baby currently suffering from "upper respiratory tract infection," the possibility of large, usually caused by a viral infection. You said anti-inflammatory drugs is what we usually say, antibiotics, antibacterial agents against bacterial infection, bacterial infection if the baby is not, is not the use of antibiotics. You can give your baby look up blood and C-reactive protein, if you check the results suggest that bacterial infection, consult your doctor choose the appropriate antibiotics. In addition, if the baby cough frequently affect sleep and eating can be considered under the guidance of a doctor medication alleviate cough.

@ User: What baby cough medication contraindications?

A: doctors need for the disease rather than the symptoms, different diseases, treatment of patients in various different drug contraindications.

@ User: Dr. Hello, I cough, I like to take medicine before sleeping, feeling sleep efficacy circulated slowly in the body, sleep would not cough, but I no basis for this, I ask baby cough , the medication is appropriate at what time it? Can do before going to sleep at night? Will a better arrangement?

A: First, every drug in the human body absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion has its own rules, these rules will be taking way, based on a standardized medication instructions will specify the pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, but also has a specific route of administration, dose, frequency of dosing interval, and some drugs one day only need medication times, and after treatment prone to drowsiness, fatigue, medication before bedtime is a good choice; Some medications daily dosing 2 -3 times in order to ensure that the concentration of drug in the body is relatively stable, eat a second to reach the effect, so how to take medicine, eat as much volume, several times a day to eat, how often need to refer to medication instructions or doctor's orders.

Furthermore, the cough is a kind of respiratory symptoms, adults and children are different causes of coughing, baby cough need to know what is the cause, treatment for the cause at the same time can be selected according to the disease cough, expectorant, anti-allergic, antispasmodic and other types of drugs control cough, try to choose a good taste oral medication, the baby easier to accept.

3 baby cough care points
1 Avoid spicy, greasy food

@ User: Infant Cough able to use diet therapy? Do you have the recommended therapeutic approach? Baby cough can not eat those things?

A: cough, no special diet. Usually provide nutrition to the baby and easy to digest food, avoid spicy, greasy unhealthy diet. Note added moisture is conducive to the discharge of airway secretions, but also conducive to "cough."

@ User: Dr. Hello, baby cough, in the diet I will give him to eat a little light, may I ask what you want to cough diet can not eat it? Baby food taboos cough is what?

A: We think your baby cough no special dietary restrictions.

@ User: Dr. Hello, baby cough often, but I usually hang attention to diet and rarely let her eat the food easy to get angry, why would cough it? Other reason is not because the baby will cough? What type of cough, what does?

A: We do not get angry Western concept. Baby cough for many reasons, and sometimes there will be a variety of causes while baby cough.

@ Zhuozhuo Dad: doctors Hello, baby six months earlier fever, now the fever, but has been productive cough, saw a doctor to open a cough syrup, eat also did not improve, do not know if there was any therapeutic can effectively?

A: Hello, there is a process of recovery from illness, convalescence cough is often the final disappearance of symptoms. If the cough does not affect daily life (eating, sleeping, etc.) may, without medication. Care can keep the air moist degrees (application humidifier), proper drinking water helps respiratory expectoration. You can wait patiently condition improved.

(2) Other methods of care

@ Olympic Pig: Cough is the most common baby, but every bad run to the hospital with the baby, ask a doctor, the baby is not very serious but the cough has not seen a good case, what is more common conventional methods Let the baby cough slowly ease it?

A: Your reaction this situation is actually very common. Baby cold often have fever, cough, nasal congestion, runny nose and other symptoms, including coughing is often the longest duration, the latest symptoms disappear. Therefore, parents have such a feeling that all is well the baby is coughing constantly tail. Faced with this situation, the parents think of the latest disappearance of cough illness recovery process natural phenomenon, not easy to tangle.

@ Ya ya learn language: My daughter is five months old, and recently two days occasionally heard her cough, one day general eighty-nine times, the frequency is not very high, other things are normal, ask a doctor, which is a normal phenomenon it ? Need to go to the hospital to see a doctor?

A: Cough degree is not heavy, care at home,

@ Pristine heart: My colleagues said the baby cough addition to medication, you can also use massage methods, she said, shoot back and foot massage, shot back is measured in which part of the baby's sputum, throat reflexology is about the baby pain, is this really? There is scientific evidence of it? Specifically is how it?

A: shoot back to help children clear respiratory secretions, cough and respiratory infections that cause diseases help. In pneumonia, acute bronchitis and other diseases of the case, we would encourage parents to help the baby to burp, to promote her condition improved. We are not Western reflexology to help ease your baby sore throat argument. I have not done this understanding.

@ Ho children Mommy: Baby 11 months, this time is always productive cough, medication twelve weeks go, but over a period of time and repetition, and severe with vomiting, ask a doctor, she counter repeatedly is why? What do cause disease? How should I do?

A: respiratory tract infections caused by coughing, coughing usually takes 1-2 weeks or even longer to recover, which is very normal, not a baby "physical bad" like the parents take it lightly, learn nursing knowledge related cough can be. Recommend a cough home care on the article.

