
BB ears flooded Mummy clever three-step solution

1 baby ears flooded
     Mom is not found, usually when the baby shampoo wash, baby head on one side, it is easy ears flooded. At the moment rush, in addition to the baby's head in the opposite direction side, let the water out, but should be what to do? Xiao Bian today to tell you how to deal with baby ear water problems also remind you Do not give your baby Taoer Duo Oh, want to know why, Check it out!

     A baby ears flooded
     Mom is often very distressed to give the baby a bath in the wash, the baby's ears is easy to water? In fact, in addition to the ear when taking a bath or wash water, and sometimes look at the baby's ear, which has also found that certain liquids, what is it?
     Mother to baby bath, bath water is always very easy to enter the inner ear, middle ear fluid accumulation in the baby often. Another case is cold, some fluid accumulation in the middle ear often, if they accumulate liquid bacterial infection, it is easy to cause ear pain, restless baby crying, fever and other symptoms, easily lead to acute otitis media.
     There are some breast-fed babies, because my mother feeding posture inappropriate or milk flow too fast, while the baby swallowing too late, the milk into the middle ear via the Eustachian tube, causing acute otitis media.
     2 identification ear inflammation - otitis media

     Second, identify the ear inflammation - otitis media
     Baby ear water, if not handled properly then easily lead to otitis media.
Baby is a predilection various types of otitis media crowd, because the baby is difficult to describe earache, ear fullness or hearing loss and other symptoms, often clinically easily misdiagnosed, parents are easy to overlook, easy to turn relatively refractory chronic otitis media.
     For parents, we must pay attention to the baby's behavior, whether cold earache, pus performance. If the baby had otitis media, relatively light, then the general is noisy, shakes, with the clutch ears, etc., if there will be a relatively heavy fever, ear yellow water flow.
     Parents should pay attention to the baby listening performance weekdays, once there are unusual circumstances should seek medical treatment as soon as possible, so as not to delay treatment, worse.
     3 ears of how to deal with the baby water?

     Third, how to deal with baby ear water?
     Mom can use a soft cotton swab, cotton stays put in the head was fluffy, gently insert the ear rotation, but not too deep, the premise is sure to hold your baby's head can not move. If you still smell after a few dry, it is necessary to give ear to the hospital point of syrup. If your baby does not fit, do not easily give your baby dig ear, or there will be danger of tympanic membrane perforation.
Specific steps:
     1, rolling a clean, soft, good absorbent cotton or soft, strong tissue paper, rolled into a wick rope (do not use cotton bales of cotton on the tip of the stick or thin, this thing could come off in the ear canal Do not use any kind of stick stick).
     2, will wick rope into the ears of children. Wick rope withdraw it when wet.
     3, and then do a clean wick rope replacement. At least 3 times a day Repeat these steps until no wet ear and no outflow of pus from the ear up (normally 7-10 days).
     4 Do not give your baby dig earwax

     Fourth, do not just give the baby dig earwax
     Many mothers saw a little baby ears earwax, they feel the need to help the baby to cut the ears, and prevent earwax more and more, but also affect the baby's hearing. But Xiaobian remind you, do not just give the baby cut the ears, too frequent cut the ears of the baby more harm than good.
     1, induced papilloma canal. Chronic stimulation may induce long-term cut the ears canal papilloma addition, the eardrum is a very thin film, the thickness of only about 0.1 mm, not much thicker than paper, if cut the ears when the baby tamper with, a little attention, earpick it will hurt the eardrum or ossicles, causing perforation of the tympanic membrane and affect your baby's hearing.
     2, the growth of bacteria. Often also easy to make the baby cut the ears swollen ear canal skin stratum corneum, blocking hair follicles, conducive to bacterial growth. Damaged ear canal skin, chronic congestion, but easy to stimulate the glands secrete cerumen, "earwax" will be more and more.
Daily care:
     1, clever use of a cotton swab. If it is found as a baby after a bath near their ear canal moist, slightly used with a cotton swab to wipe the ear, not in depth. Also available Hair dryer (about 30 cm away from the ear canal, weak wind) will ears dry. Place a clean wet towel, wring the towel roll on the finger tip, gently wipe the baby's ear area. If you clean the ear with a cotton swab, do not baby the swab deep inside the ear sight. A small cotton ball on top, big bottom, to prevent the baby's ear swab deep inside without accidentally hurt the eardrum.
     2, to avoid water. To prevent ear water, baby ear can be hold by the snapping back to front face, not prone to cause ear water. Water can be used as a soft cotton swab, was at the head of the cotton stays fluffy. Gently insert the ear rotation, but not too deep, the premise is sure to hold your baby's head can not move. There is the best time to take your baby swimming controls in one hour or less.

