
Early symptoms of hand, foot and mouth disease

    Foot and mouth disease for children is a relatively susceptible to diseases, kids like to play everywhere, believe it will infect bacteria, suffering from foot and mouth disease. Early symptoms of HFMD then what does?
    HFMD can be seen in summer and autumn seasons more. HFMD is caused by intestinal infection caused by herpes infection source is fluid, throat secretions, feces contaminated hands toys, utensils and so on. Its incubation period is 3-8 days.
    Children infected with intestinal virus, mostly fever onset, usually around 38 ℃. Oral mucosa scattered like herpes, grain size, pain; palms or soles of the feet the size of a grain of rice Ministry of herpes, buttocks be involved. Yan Xing Hongyun around herpes, blister fluid less.
    Early in patients with mild cough, runny nose and drooling, and similar symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection, some children may have nausea, vomiting and other reactions. 1 to 2 days after fever rash, usually in the hand, foot, buttocks, or herpes with oral mucosa. Some children with no heat, only the performance of the hands, feet, buttocks rash or herpes angina, mild. Most children in one week the temperature drops, the rash subsided, disease recovery.
Symptoms of hand, foot and mouth disease
   1、 An acute onset, incubation for 3-5 days, with fever, general malaise, abdominal pain and other prodromal symptoms. Oral mucosa scattered miliary to mung bean size painful blisters, hand, foot rash, herpes, beginning as a rash, herpes-turned, round or oval, about 3-7mm, such as grain size, as compared with chickenpox rash small, hard, surrounded by flush, blister fluid less, in gray dots can be seen under film or sheet erosion surface. Deflorescence does not leave scars or pigmentation, if secondary infection often make the skin damage worse.
   2, in addition to foot and estuary, also found in the buttocks and around the anus, even visible on the trunk and limbs, a few days later dried up, and the rash no itching, no pain.
   3, individual children may be generalized papules, vesicles, associated with aseptic meningitis, encephalitis, myocarditis, etc. May be accompanied by cough, runny nose, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, headache and other symptoms.
   4, in some cases showed only a rash or herpes angina. Full course of about 5-   10 days, the majority of self-healing, the prognosis is good, with no sequelae.
Want to prevent Hand, Foot and mouth disease, we should do, "Wash your hands, drink water, eat cooked food, ground ventilation, drying clothing." Spring is intestinal infection prone season, to pay attention to the environment, food hygiene and personal hygiene. Do not drink unboiled water, do not eat cold food, washing hands before meals and after, maintain good indoor ventilation. Try not to bring infants and young children to crowded places. Nursing mothers should bathe, wash clothes, clean the nipple before feeding.

